There is much more to Japanese cuisine than the internationally familiar sushi, tempura, sashimi, and steamed rice. Visitors to Japan, and Asahikawa will have available to them a surprisingly large choice of dining options.
Food lovers should by no means dismiss the well

recognized specialties above, since trying it on '
home soil' is always a unique and rewarding experience. At the same time, there are taste sensations around every corner that you may have never heard of, or had heard of, but not tried.

Shabu shabu, sukiyaki, yakiniku, Asahikawa ramen, okonomiyaki, yaki soba, soba, udon, yakitori, nabe, and Genghis Khan are just scratching the surface of food styles to be enjoyed in Japan and Asahikawa. Add to this the recent explosion of restaurants offering Japanese cuisine creatively fused with international influences, and you will

quickly find your visit turning into a gourmet getaway of spectacular proportions. And contrary to conventional wisdom, Japan is not an expensive place to eat. In Asahikawa, a bowl of ramen will generally cost about ¥950 (often less). A full course dinner, including drinks, will be about ¥2,500 to ¥5,000 per person depending on the restaurant.
Full list of Asahikawa Restaurants
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